This program is no longer accepting new members.Share Your RV Knowledge And Make Money On The Road!

Why Become an RVing Lifestyle Ambassador
If you are involved in the RVing world, you know RVers tend to be a bit more friendly than most folks, and it's easy to build a sense of community even when you are only staying a night or two in a campground. It is different than what most people are used to and very different from what you might find in the average subdivision today. And, it's a very helpful thing for the RVing Lifestyle Ambassador!
RVers tend to be full of questions about the lifestyle. There's always something new to learn about a new location, or ways to make money on the road, or new information on maintaining and repairing your RV. Yes, there are many opportunities for conversations with your fellow RVers.
During these conversations, many questions are asked and many ideas are shared. You may have been the one asking the questions, wanting direction on how to move forward in your RVing experience. Or, maybe you were wishing you had answers for the new friend asking the questions.

There have been many an RVer with the same questions, thoughts and experiences as you. And now, there is an organized resource that can provide answers and direction for the RVer who wants to grow and expand their RVing knowledge and share it with their fellow RVers!
RVing Lifestyle Ambassadors will have training and tools to share with fellow RVers about resources and programs that will provide many of the answers that so many RVers are seeking!
*RVing Lifestyle Ambassadors must maintain a paid membership with Workamper News to qualify to earn commissions.

Workamper News, the number one resource in helping RVers connect with employment opportunities across the country now for 30+ years, in affiliation with the National RV Training Academy, is proud to provide the RVing Lifestyle Ambassador program. This organized resource will provide you with tools to provide direction and assistance to your fellow RVers.
And, not only will you be able to provide direction for others, but you will be developing your very own small business in the process! You will be providing your fellow RVers with answers and pathways they can take to learn and grow into the lifestyle, and while doing so, you will be taking what you love and turning it into an income! It doesn’t get any better than that!
This entire concept stands firm on the business philosophy of “if you help enough other people get what they want, you can have everything in life you want!”
What an RVing Lifestyle Ambassador Does...
Ambassadors will have the ability to earn income from multiple sources. You'll be earning commissions by helping your fellow RVers discover and utilize the resources you already love talking about!
Not only will you be helping your fellow RVer, you will be living the American Dream of earning income and saving on your taxes with your small business!
As an RVing Lifestyle Ambassador you will learn about the many educational resources available to share with inquiring friends, and you will have the confidence and the tools to introduce and provide direction. This is what a good Ambassador does: provide support and direction with confidence that the receiver will improve their future life because of their direction. Can you visualize yourself in this role? Would you be a good Ambassador?
As an RVing Lifestyle Ambassador you will be provided with resources to share and tools you can use to educate your fellow RVers and help them learn about and grow into their RV lifestyle.
How Ambassadors Make Money...
RVing Lifestyle Ambassadors will have the ability to earn commissions by sharing their knowledge and promoting the resources and companies listed below. We will be working to develop affiliate relationships for you to promote so when you talk with anyone regarding the RVing lifestyle you will have an idea of options to provide them, no matter what the topic. For now, the following resources are ready to pay you commissions on sales you've just got to make your move!
When you sign up to be an RVing Lifestyle Ambassador, you will get a starter kit full of resources to help you make sales, and you will also be given a unique code to give to your fellow RVers so we can track your sales. Be sure to take them through the sales process and enter your code so we can be sure to give you credit and get you paid! *RVing Lifestyle Ambassadors must maintain a paid membership with Workamper News to qualify to earn commissions.
Workamper News, the source of jobs for RVers, provides its members with tools and resources to help find jobs as they travel.
RV Maintenance & Repair
The National RV Training Academy teaches 5 day, live RV maintenance and repair courses to RV owners, professionals, and dealer techs at their location in Athens, Texas.
Lifestyle Ambassadors
The RVing Network (this website) promotes services and education for RVers and provides income earning potential to it's members.
Are you ready to let your light shine as an RVing Lifestyle Ambassador?
Let's Get Started Today...
When you register to become an Ambassador you will be provided the following:
- A starter kit of materials to begin promoting the various products and services.
- Your very own Ambassador affiliate identifier referral code that you will be used to track your sales and get you paid.
- Two Ambassador window decals that you will be able to proudly display.
- Training on how to present the products and services to increase your success as an Ambassador.
- And so much more.

So, Let’s Get You Signed Up!
The fee for the starter kit and initial training is just $97 including shipping and processing.
*Outside of US, additional shipping charges may apply - we will contact you if so.*
*RVing Lifestyle Ambassadors must maintain a paid membership with Workamper News to qualify to earn commissions.*
We look forward to helping you help others have a phenomenal RVing lifestyle.